A Valentine’s Day Celebration!


1. Re-gift a Token of Love Day. Re-gift anything that represents love in some way. Go through your basement or storage area and find something that in some way could be related to Valentine’s Day. Anything red would apply, anything with a heart, the word love on it, an old flower vase perhaps, artificial flowers, or just about anything your loving imagination can conjure up. Throw it in a little bag and bring it to work. Choose a time during the day to exchange gifts and bring a little love into the workplace!

2. Makeup bingo cards with sayings on candy hearts. Play bingo at lunch, with the winner receiving complimentary dinner for two at a lovely restaurant.

3. Post-It Party. Pick a secret post-it pal. Get some post-its and a red pen. When that person is out, start your post-it party. Post from your heart as many warm thoughts as you possibly can. Post on a computer monitor, a filing cabinet, a map on the wall, a family photo, or anywhere else in the unsuspecting recipient’s space. How about a speed round? Give yourself a time frame, such as two minutes per cubicle. Start posting warm thoughts from your heart for Valentine’s Day.

4. Sing your complaints to your favorite long song. Invite all employees to complain, but have them sing their complaints to a love song. What a wonderful way to get the stress out and celebrate the holiday of love all at the same time.

5. Theme Music. Play love songs all day in the office.

6. Cooking Up Some Appreciation. Why not let the leaders cook or host breakfast or lunch while everyone relaxes, enjoys, and feels appreciated? After all, the way to an employee’s heart is often through their stomach!

7. Random Acts of Kindness. Pretend you are the Secret Kindness Patrol and spread kindness all day long to everyone you meet!

Have a great Valentine’s week and on Thursday wear red…lots of it!

– Scott

Written by:

Scott Friedman

Scott Friedman, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and former President of the National Speakers Association (NSA), is an internationally sought after professional speaker and author. As a motivational humorist, Scott inspires and entertains with engaging, interactive, and content-rich programs. Scott’s main areas of expertise are employee innovation & engagement, customer experience, and creating a happier, more connected workplace and life.

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