Employer of Choice – SAP


SAP seeks out the most talented individuals in the world to help create value and foster innovation for the benefit of the customers. Their more than 53,000 employees work in an environment that encourages the open, free expression of innovative ideas.

A list of employer awards makes it no doubt as the globally recognized employer of choice.

For the content, please read http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/our-company/people/employerawards.epx

A smart way to engage the employees nowadays is to actively involve them into CSR activities.

SAP has released its preliminary and unaudited global CO2 emissions for the third quarter of 2010, which total 115,000 kilotons. While the number is on trend with first and second quarter numbers, the company will need to take focused action to avoid exceeding its target of 460 kilotons by year end.

The company’s report shows that air travel continues to be their largest reduction opportunity, as it is the largest contributor to their overall footprint, with the impact of their corporate fleet not far behind. SAP feels that the key to reducing their impact in both of these areas is employee engagement – encouraging employees to adjust their behavior by such actions as using telepresence instead of flying and using transit as opposed to company vehicles for intercity travel. To this end, they will be providing employees insight into their individual emission contributions via an internal dashboard for greater transparency and accountability.

For more content, please search the interenet for To Hit CO2 Targets, SAP will focus on Employee Engagement

In Singapore, SAP also motivate the employees in a creative way.

Not everyone gets to boast of spending their weekend mingling with F1 stars in the flesh but SAP employees certainly can.

In conjunction with the inaugural Singapore Grand Prix, which ended on Sunday, the company recently hosted a F1-themed social gathering weekend for 300 employees to get chummy with two Vodafone McLaren Mercedes drivers, Heikki Kovaleinen and Lewis Hamilton. Human Resources spoke to two employees who caught the F1 fever.

Sales consultant, Edwin Tan enthuses, “It was obvious that everyone was looking forward to the race weekend when 300 people signed up for the exclusive employee networking session in under an hour!”

He further proclaims the programme as the company’s “employee event of the year”.

For more content, please read SAP Fuels Employees’ F1 Frenzy

How much does a loyal employee add to the bottom line? How about an exceptionally talented one? Is it worthwhile to shower cash on an average performer in the hopes he or she will stay on for another year? Every year corporations spend millions of dollars attracting, training, and retaining their employees, but have few means to identify the return on their investment.

Lawrence C. Kleinman, chief of human resources at the German software company SAP Americas, and a board member of the Positive Psychology Summit, cosponsored by Gallup, may well have begun to crack the code. Using a new series of metrics designed by Gallup to identify the sources of turnover, Kleinman and Gallup constructed an overall scorecard on talent management that enables him to test the revenue consequences of his human capital investment options. Kleinman calls it a dashboard with dials, and the dials include such individual employee variables as aptitude for the job and length of service within the company. “I can play with the dials and see which produce the most return,” he says.

For more content, please read Turning Up Your Talent Engine

Written by:

Scott Friedman

Scott Friedman, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and former President of the National Speakers Association (NSA), is an internationally sought after professional speaker and author. As a motivational humorist, Scott inspires and entertains with engaging, interactive, and content-rich programs. Scott’s main areas of expertise are employee innovation & engagement, customer experience, and creating a happier, more connected workplace and life.

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