

Scott Friedman, CSP, (Certified Speaking Professional), 2004-05 President of the National Speakers Association, is the author of 4 books and co-author of 4 others. Scott’s latest book, Celebrate! Lessons Learned From The World’s Most Admired Organizations, is a practical handbook on how to bring more celebration into both your organization and your life. Based on Scott’s extensive global research, interviews, and years of speaking around the world, this book offers strategies and examples from leading organizations that are successfully creating cultures of celebration in their workplaces.


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Written by:

Scott Friedman

Scott Friedman, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and former President of the National Speakers Association (NSA), is an internationally sought after professional speaker and author. As a motivational humorist, Scott inspires and entertains with engaging, interactive, and content-rich programs. Scott’s main areas of expertise are employee innovation & engagement, customer experience, and creating a happier, more connected workplace and life.

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