Happily Ever Laughter : How to Engage Any Audience

To truly engage the distracted audience member of today, you must not only educate and enlighten but entertain as well. Humor may be your most useful tool for it breaks preoccupation, develops rapport, increases retention, and connects with your listeners. In this interactive, skill shop, participants will learn how to play off any audience–be it a meeting of five or an auditorium of 5000. From developing original material to uncovering an organization’s “humor hot buttons,” this program will cover the basics and beyond for becoming a more charismatic, humorous effective presenter. Learn to tell funny stories that appeal to a culturally diverse audience.  From “half-the-words” to “what if” to the ‘power of the pause’ you will learn story-telling techniques that will make your stories come alive. !

Have you ever wondered what to do when things don’t go as expected?  Planned spontaneity can help you gracefully recover from just about any challenging situation.  As you begin to bring more and more humor into your presentations you will reap the rewards of an entertained and engaged audience.

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