Friedman’s 10 Ways To “Come Alive” in ’95


1. Get “HIP.” Happy, Inspired, Passionate.
2. Smile. You’re on Candid Camera!
3. Play Country Songs Backwards. You get your lover back, your dog back and even your truck.
4. Take Big Bites. The best way to taste the flavor of life is to take big bites.
5. Escape Reality. Go on vacation in your mind. Leave all baggage at home.
6. Add One “To Do” for You. Add one special self-indulged treat to your daily “to do” list.
7. “Capture the Spirit.” Welcome spirituality, it may just add a whole now dimension to your life.
8. Act like a Kid Again. You’re never too old to be young.
9. Like Yourself. After all, you’re good enough, you’re smart enough and dog-gone-it, who cares if people like you.
10. Cop a New “Tude” Dude. Improve your mood with a new attitude.

Written by:

Scott Friedman

Scott Friedman, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and former President of the National Speakers Association (NSA), is an internationally sought after professional speaker and author. As a motivational humorist, Scott inspires and entertains with engaging, interactive, and content-rich programs. Scott’s main areas of expertise are employee innovation & engagement, customer experience, and creating a happier, more connected workplace and life.

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